Getting started

Working with data generated from Columbus

  • Object level data for a given well is saved as a .txt file. The data for all wells in a given plate is saved in a folder. The name of the folder typically takes the form abcdef[123]. The abcdef prefix in the folder name should correspond to the barcode assigned to the plate.
  • cd into the directory that contains the object level data folders.
  • Start a Jupyter notebook or Ipython session and execute the lines of code below:
from cell_cycle_gating import run_cell_cycle_gating as rccg

obj_folder = 'abcdef[123]' # Name of object level folder

# Map user defined channel names to standarized names required by the script
ndict = {'Nuclei Selected - EdUINT': 'edu',
         'Nuclei Selected - DNAcontent': 'dna',
         'Nuclei Selected - LDRTXT SER Spot 8 px' : 'ldr',
         'Nuclei Selected - pH3INT': 'ph3'}

# Run gating script
dfs =, ndict)
  • The dataframe dfs returns well-level summary of number of live/dead cells and fraction of cells in each phase of the cell cycle.
  • The script saves a pdf showing the gating on each DNA v EDU scatter plot for review. By default the pdf file uses the name of the folder as the file name i.e summary_abcdef[123].pdf
  • The dataframe df is also saved as a .csv file with the same name as the object level folder i.e summary_abdef[123].csv

Working with data generated from IXM

  • The standard column names generated in Metaexpress differ from the Operetta. Please update ndict as below and add an additional argument to Further, the entire dataset for a given plate is saved as a single .txt file instead of seperate files per well in a folder. See below:
from cell_cycle_gating import run_cell_cycle_gating as rccg

obj_file = 'filename.txt' # Name of object level file

# Map user defined channel names to standarized names required by the script
ndict = {'Well Name' : 'well',
         'Cell: EdUrawINT (DDD-bckgrnd)' : 'edu',
         'Cell: LDRrawINT (DDD-bckgrnd)' : 'ldr',
         'Cell: DNAcontent (DDD-bckgrnd)' : 'dna'}

# Run gating script
dfs =, ndict, system='ixm', header=7)

Merging metadata information to output

If you have well level metadata that maps each well to sample conditions, then the above code block can be modified as follows:

# Load metadata file
import pandas as pd
dfm = pd.read_csv('metadata.csv')

# Run gating script, this time passing dfm as an additional argument.
dfs =, ndict, dfm)
Note that the metadata file should contain the following header columns:
  • barcode, well, cell_line, agent, concentration.
  • Fields in the barcode column should match the prefix in the folder name. i.e abdcdef

Not really Deep Dye Drop

By default, the gating code expects that you have all 4 channels i.e DNA, EdU, LDR, pH3. However, if you do not have LDR and/or pH3 channels, modify the main line of the code as shown below:

dfs =, ndict, dfm,
               ph3_channel=False, # If no pH3 channel
               ldr_channel=False # If no LDR channel

Gating corrections using control wells

Automated gating does not always work well, in which case you can apply the automated gating from control wells for a given cell line across corresponding treatment wells. In the first line of code below, by setting control_based_gating=True, automated gating is run only on the control plates. The results are saved in .csv and .pdf files with the prefix control_summary_. The function also returns a second dataframe dfg that contains information on the gates in the control wells. In the second line, the script is run a second time with the arguement control_gates=dfg so that errors in automated gating are corrected based on control gating.

dfs, dfg =, ndict, dfm,
dfs2 =, ndict, dfm, control_gates=dfg)

If you want to manually adjust gates across all wells, you can provide a list of fudge factors i.e. by what magnitude and in which direction you want to change the DNA gates. There are 4 gates you can adjust; G1-left, G1-right, G2-left, and G2-right. For instance, if you want to move G2-left (3rd gate) furrther left by a magnitude of 0.05, set fudge_gates=[0, 0, -0.05, 0]. If you want to move G2-right (4th gate) by a magnitue of 0.2 to the right, set fudge_gates=[0, 0, 0, 0.2]. In the code example below, we have applied gates from the control but also decided to move the 3rd and 4th gates to the left by 0.05 and 0.1 units in log(DNA) scale.

dfs2 =, ndict, dfm, control_gates=dfg,
                fudge_gates=[0, 0, -0.05, -0.1])

Additional plotting functions

  • To plot cell cycle fractions:
import pandas as pd
from cell_cycle_gating import plot_fractions

dfs = pd.read_csv('summary_abcdef[123].csv')